In mathematical logic, the disjunction and existence properties are the "hallmarks" of constructive theories such as Heyting arithmetic and constructive set theories (Rathjen 2005).
The disjunction property is satisfied by a theory if, whenever a sentence A ∨ B is a theorem, then either A is a theorem, or B is a theorem.
The existence property or witness property is satisfied by a theory if, whenever a sentence (∃x)A(x) is a theorem, where A(x) has no other free variables, then there is some term t such that the theory proves A(t).
Rathjen (2005) lists five properties that a theory may possess. These include the disjunction property (DP), the existence property (EP), and three additional properties:
These properties can only be directly expressed for theories that have the ability to quantify over natural numbers and, for CR1, quantify over functions from to . In practice, one may say that a theory has one of these properties if a definitional extension of the theory has the property stated above (Rathjen 2005).