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Discretionary fund

In public finance, discretionary spending is government spending implemented through an appropriations bill. This spending is an optional part of fiscal policy, in contrast to entitlement programs for which funding is mandatory and determined by the number of eligible recipients. Some examples of areas funded by discretionary spending are national defense, foreign aid, education and transportation.

In the United States, discretionary spending refers to optional spending set by appropriation levels each year, at the discretion of Congress. During the budget process, Congress issues a budget resolution which includes levels of discretionary spending, deficit projections, and instructions for changing entitlement programs and tax policy. After setting discretionary spending levels, both the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee divide the agreed-upon amount of discretionary spending into twelve suballocations for each of their twelve subcommittees. These subcommittees produce twelve annual appropriation bills for the next fiscal year. While these bills are subject to revision as they move through hearings, markups, Floor consideration, and conference, the level of discretionary spending remains constrained by the budget resolution. Eventually, these twelve bills must be approved by the full Appropriations Committee, followed by both Houses of Congress. Once passed, the president either signs them, vetoes them, or allows them to become law by not signing them within ten days.

