Disasters of the Century is a documentary television series that airs on History Television. The program is produced by Regina, Saskatchewan-based Partners in Motion.
Each episode documents two different disasters from Canada and around the world, using a mixture of re-enactments, photographs, and interviews with survivors and family members of victims. Some episodes deal with broader topics concerning disaster. For example, Washed Away investigates the destruction water can cause by looking at several disasters.
Any Televisions has different Episodes numbering schemes.
Episode List from Partners In Motion 2012 Catalog
NOTE: This series is offered in two formats: 65 half hour episodes and 42 hour-long episodes. As a result, to make the 42 hour-long episodes, 19 of the half-hour shows are used twice. Due to this fact - and the fact that so far an episode list for the half-hour version hasn't been located to date - any extraneous titles have not been able to be matched. What follows is the information we have regarding the hour-long shows, however there may be duplications in the list as it currently shows more than 42 episodes, as well as some titles that haven't been matched to anything listed. Any additional additions or corrections are most welcome.
Actors in this series were Regina SK Locals Including; Rie Frank And Dana Anthony