Dianne Helen Cook is an Australian statistician, the editor of the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, and an expert on the visualization of high-dimensional data. She is professor emeritus of statistics at Iowa State University, and Professor of Business Analytics in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University.
Cook grew up in Wauchope, New South Wales as an athletic farm girl, the first woman to play on her local (men's) cricket team. She was accepted to Sydney University, but instead studied statistics at the closer University of New England (Australia), where she earned a B.S. and Dip.Ed. in 1982. She completed her PhD in 1993 at Rutgers University; her dissertation, supervised jointly by Andreas Buja and Javier Cabrera, was Grand Tour and Projection Pursuit. She joined the Iowa State faculty in 1993, and remained there until her move to Monash in 2015. At Iowa State, her students have included Hadley Wickham and Yihui Xie.
She is one of the developers of GGobi, and with Deborah F. Swayne, she is the author of Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: With R and GGobi (Springer, 2007).
She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.