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Dheeraj Sharma

Dheeraj Sharma is a marketing professor and writer. He has taught at numerous educational institutions including University of North Texas, Louisiana Tech University, University of Winnipeg, Ball State University, Athabasca University and IIM Ahmedabad.

Sharma has a doctoral degree with a major in marketing and a double minor in psychology and quantitative analysis from Louisiana Tech University. His primary research interests are relationships in business domain. He explores relationships in the context of workforce motivation (different levels of employees in an organization), behavioral channel theory (relationship between channels and organizations), international marketing strategy (cross-cultural relationship such as between brands across national boundaries), personal selling, brand management (relationships between consumers and brands), social media management (person to person relationships), and ethics (relationships between individual, organization and society). As a doctoral candidate, Dr. Sharma was Robert B. Toulouse Doctoral Fellow and Graduate School Doctoral Fellow. He is a member of Who's Who of American professionals.

Sharma is past Associate Editor of the Journal of Marketing Channels. He is past editor of the Academy of Marketing Science proceedings and the Academy of Marketing Science Cultural Perspectives He has had over 100 articles published in reputable journals and conference proceedings. He is an active member of the Academy of Marketing Science, American Marketing Association, and the National Conference of Sales Management. He has authored several books.

His book on leadership is one of the most talked about books in recent times.

He is a keynote speaker on sales force motivation, ethics, and international business in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Professor Sharma's work in the public policy domain is well recognized. He has served as consultant or in advisory roles with Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Ministry of Commerce, Govt of Gujarat, Govt. of Punjab, and Govt. of Delhi. He has consulted or conducted training programs for a large number of multinational companies, national companies, and various government of India organizations. He has been involved in the training programs for the officers of IAS, IPS, IRS, OFIS, and Indian Defense Forces.

