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Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik

Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) is a technical authority in the construction sector. The Institute carries out its activities on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Federation and the German federal states (Länder). Its most important task is the approval of non-regulated construction products and construction techniques. The Institute is based in Berlin.


The work of Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik focuses on the protection of public interests, in particular in relation to stability, fire protection, health and environmental protection, acoustic and thermal insulation, energy efficiency, sustainability, safety in use as well as water pollution control.

After the Second World War, construction supervision and building control law fell into the jurisdiction of the German federal states (Länder). They were confronted with two issues in relation to the approval of construction products. On the one hand, there was a substantial increase in the technical complexity of the approvals due to the numerous new products and processes developed during the time of the German economic miracle. On the other hand, the construction product industry demanded approvals which were valid across Germany. In response to this, the "Institut für Bautechnik" was founded in 1968 based on an agreement between the Federation and the federal states. The Institute became responsible for issuing technical approvals (valid across Germany) and additional engineering-related tasks.

After the German reunification, the new Länder joined the agreement in 1993. The name of the Institute was changed to "Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik" (DIBt). The Institute is known by its abbreviation "DIBt" among experts far beyond national borders.

Since its foundation, the Institute has taken on many additional tasks. Since 1993, it has been active in the European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA). Since 1994, it has published the Construction Products Lists (Bauregellisten) on behalf of the Länder. In 1998, Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik granted the first European technical approval in Europe. In 2007, DIBt was recognised by the Land of Berlin and the Land of Brandenburg as Structural Safety Control Authority (Bautechnisches Prüfamt). In 2008, it took over the coordination of the market surveillance of CE marked products and since 2014, it has been the "joint market surveillance authority of the Länder". In 2012, DIBt was designated as the sole Technical Assessment Body in Germany, as well as the notifying authority in accordance with the new Construction Products Regulation. Upon publication of the revised Energy Saving Ordinance (Energieeinsparverordnung) in November 2013, DIBt also became responsible for registering energy performance certificates and inspection reports for air-conditioning systems, as well as for carrying out electronic random checks.

