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Deutsche Mathematik

Deutsche Mathematik  
DeuMath1936 1.jpg
Discipline Mathematics, Nazi propaganda
Language German
Edited by Theodor Vahlen
Publication details
Leipzig: S. Hirzel (Germany)
Publication history
1.1936 — 3.1942
Frequency bimonthly (delays in vol.6-7)

Deutsche Mathematik (German mathematics) was a mathematics journal founded by Ludwig Bieberbach and Theodor Vahlen in 1936. Vahlen was publisher on behalf of the German Research Foundation (DFG), Bieberbach was chief editor. Permanent editors were Fritz Kubach (), Erich Schönhardt, Werner Weber() (all volumes), Ernst August Weiß (vol. 1-6), Karl Dörge (), Wilhelm Süß (1-5), Günther Schulz Berlin, Erhard Tornier () (1-4), Georg Feigl, Gerhard Kowalewski (2-6), Maximilian Krafft (), Willi Rinow, Max Zacharias () (2-5), and Oswald Teichmüller (vol. 3-7). In Feb 1936, the journal was declared the official organ of the German Student Union (DSt) by its Reichsführer; all local DSt mathematics departments were requested to subscribe and to actively contribute.

Deutsche Mathematik is also the name of a movement closely associated with the journal whose aim was to promote "German mathematics" and eliminate "Jewish influence", similar to the Deutsche Physik movement. As well as articles on mathematics, the journal also published propaganda articles giving the Nazi viewpoint on the relation between mathematics and race (though these political articles mostly disappeared after the first two volumes). As a result of this many mathematics libraries outside Germany did not subscribe to it, so copies of the journal can be hard to find. This caused some problems in Teichmüller theory, as Oswald Teichmüller published several of his foundational papers in the journal.

