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Detailed logarithmic timeline

This timeline shows the whole history of the universe, the Earth, and mankind in one table. Each row is defined in years ago, that is, years before the present date, with the earliest times at the top of the chart. In each table cell on the right, references to events or notable people are given, more or less in chronological order within the cell.

Each row corresponds to a change in log(time before present) of about 0.1 (using log base 10). The dividing points are taken from the R′′20 Renard numbers.

Big Bang, Stars and galaxies, earliest quasars, habitable epochNGC 6522 star cluster forms, at least 12 Ga ago. Omega Centauri star cluster forms.

Formation of Gliese 581 planetary system, BX442 (oldest grand design spiral galaxy observed), NGC 2808 globular cluster, giant red star Mu Cephei, the Andromeda galaxy. Barnard's Star (nearby red dwarf star) may have formed.

Gliese 876 and its planets form

Birth of Alpha Centauri

Formation of Sun, Solar System, Earth

Hadean eon,

beginning of Archaean eon

Late Heavy Bombardment (possibly). Origin of life. Earliest evidence for life on Earth: unusually high amounts of light isotopes of carbon, a common sign of life, found in mineral deposits aged 4.25 Ga located in the Jack Hills of Western Australia;graphite found to be biogenic in metasedimentary rocks aged 3.7 Ga discovered in Western Greenland. Apparent stromatolites in Greenland.

