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Depth sensor

Range imaging is the name for a collection of techniques that are used to produce a 2D image showing the distance to points in a scene from a specific point, normally associated with some type of sensor device.

The resulting image, the range image, has pixel values that correspond to the distance. If the sensor that is used to produce the range image is properly calibrated the pixel values can be given directly in physical units, such as meters.

The sensor device that is used for producing the range image is sometimes referred to as a range camera. Range cameras can operate according to a number of different techniques, some of which are presented here.

Stereo triangulation is an application of stereophotogrammetry where the depth data of the pixels are determined from data acquired using a stereo or multiple-camera setup system. This way it is possible to determine the depth to points in the scene, for example, from the center point of the line between their focal points. In order to solve the depth measurement problem using a stereo camera system it is necessary to first find corresponding points in the different images. Solving the correspondence problem is one of the main problems when using this type of technique. For instance, it is difficult to solve the correspondence problem for image points that lie inside regions of homogeneous intensity or color. As a consequence, range imaging based on stereo triangulation can usually produce reliable depth estimates only for a subset of all points visible in the multiple cameras.

The advantage of this technique is that the measurement is more or less passive; it does not require special conditions in terms of scene illumination. The other techniques mentioned here do not have to solve the correspondence problem but are instead dependent on particular scene illumination conditions.

If the scene is illuminated with a sheet of light this creates a reflected line as seen from the light source. From any point out of the plane of the sheet the line will typically appear as a curve, the exact shape of which depends both on the distance between the observer and the light source, and the distance between the light source and the reflected points. By observing the reflected sheet of light using a camera (often a high resolution camera) and knowing the positions and orientations of both camera and light source, it is possible to determine the distances between the reflected points and the light source or camera.

By moving either the light source (and normally also the camera) or the scene in front of the camera, a sequence of depth profiles of the scene can be generated. These can be represented as a 2D range image.

