The Department of Defense Whistleblower Program in the United States is a whistleblower protection program within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) whereby DoD personnel are trained on whistleblower rights. The Inspector General's commitment fulfills, in part, the federal mandate to protect whistleblowers. It also administers the Defense Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Program (DICWP), as a sub-mission for the intelligence community. The Inspector General's Defense Criminal Investigative Service also conducts criminal investigations which rely, in part, on Qui Tam relators.
Whistleblowers disclose acts of illegality, fraud, waste, and abuse This can prevent government failure in the future. But whistleblowers can then be targeted for retaliation, "smeared as traitors, turncoats and liars by their superiors and suffer harassment, punishment or firing". The Department of Defense Whistleblower Program is increasingly focused on disclosures which will aid in resolving the United States' national security threat due to fiscal failure:
Now, in the current environment, it's about fraud, waste and abuse. Whistleblowing can tell us where money is leaking from the system. Even before the current economic crisis, the Pentagon leadership was discussing whether the federal debt was now a national security threat, and not just an economic issue.
-Dan Meyer, Director of Whistleblowing & Transparency, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense.
In 2009, the Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense targeted the Whistleblower Protection Program as a top priority. For more than 20 years, the DoD IG has investigated whistleblower reprisal allegations involving the Department’s military members, civilian employees, and Defense contractor employees. Through informational articles, posters, and briefings, the DoD IG significantly increased public awareness of whistleblower programs. It also provided information to Members of Congress regarding legislation able to strengthen whistleblower protections. Amendments to the statutes have broadened their application and expanded the protections for whistleblowers. Although multiple laws cover employees in different categories, there is a common thread running through each federal whistleblower statute enforced by the Inspector General. Congress entrusted the DoD IG with either conducting or overseeing inquiries and investigations into whistleblower reprisal allegations.