The planetary systems of stars other than the Sun and the Solar System are a staple element in much science fiction.
Deneb may be referred to in fictional works for its metaphorical ( or mythological associations, or else as a bright point of light in the sky of the Earth, but not as a location in space or the center of a planetary system:
In the listing below, the majority of literary references to Deneb occurred in the score of years after 1943, the star's banner year as a cynosure when its spectrum was selected as one of the stable anchor points by which all other stars' spectra would be classified. There followed a hiatus of 30 years, until a cluster of works representing renewed interest in the star appeared around the year 1990.
The items in this subsection all refer to works in the film, television, and print franchise originated by Gene Roddenberry.
Deneb is referred to as a location in space or the center of a planetary system unusually often in fiction. For a list containing many stars and planetary systems that have a less extensive list of references, see Stars and planetary systems in fiction.