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Democratic Labour

Democratic Labour was a minor political party operating in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. They were formed by the Labour MP, Dick Taverne when his Constituency Labour Party (Lincoln) asked him to stand down as their candidate at the next general election. He had fallen out with them over Britain's continued membership of the European Economic Community which he supported but they did not.

Taverne resigned from Labour on October 6, 1972, forming the Lincoln Democratic Labour Association which his supporters in the CLP joined. His initial ambitions were to eventually re-join the Labour Party, but there were some who attempted to persuade him to try to establish a new party of the political centre.

Taverne resigned from parliament at the same time that he resigned from the Labour Party in order to force the issue into the open, and he won the ensuing Lincoln by-election, held in March,1973.

His victory was aided by the lack of a Liberal candidate as it decided instead to support his candidacy (in those days the party was only able to stand in a limited number of places and had a very limited base to work from in Lincoln) and the controversial adoption of Jonathan Guinness by the Conservatives.

Shortly after his by-election victory, Taverne formed the Campaign for Social Democracy as a nationally based body. He was re-elected in the February, 1974 general election, and continued to serve until the October, 1974 general election when he was defeated (Wilson demanding the Labour Party "threw the kitchen sink" at Lincoln to get him out). He did not stand in the seat again, but Democratic Labour continued to organise politically, to the extent that Democratic Labour controlled Lincoln City Council from 1973 until 1979.

