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Democratic-Republican Party
Leader Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Henry Clay
John Quincy Adams
Founded 1794 (1794)
Dissolved 1828 (1828)
Preceded by Anti-Administration party
Succeeded by Democratic Party (Jacksonians)
National Republican Party (Anti-Jacksonians)
Ideology Jeffersonianism
Colors                Red, white, blue

The Democratic-Republican Party was an American political party formed by Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), and James Madison (1751-1836), in 1791–1793 to oppose the centralizing policies of the new Federalist Party being organized in the new nation and run by Alexander Hamilton (1755/57-1804), who was the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (1789-1795), and chief architect of first President George Washington's two-terms administration (1789-1797). The new party controlled the presidency and the U.S. Congress, as well as most of the states in their legislatures and governorships, from 1801 to 1825, during the First Party System. It began in 1791 as one faction in Congress, and included many politicians who had originally been opposed to the new Federal Constitution (1787) as "antifederalists". They later called themselves Republicans after their ideology of Republicanism. They distrusted the Federalist commitment to republicanism. The party splintered in the 1824 presidential election into the Jacksonian movement, which became the beginnings of the modern Democratic Party in the later 1828 Election, with the election of dominating seventh President Andrew Jackson (1767-1845, served 1829-1837) and the competing short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party).

