Barangay Dayangdang is one of the 27 Barangay of the City of Naga in the Province of Camarines Sur, Bicol Region of the Philippines.
Barangay Dayangdang is an urban area situated in the East of Barangay Balatas, in the West of Barangay Sta. Cruz, in the South of Barangay Tinago and in the North of Barangay Peñafrancia.
The land area of the Barangay is 0.2957 square kilometer and it is 0.38% of the total land area of Naga City.
The residential area occupies the majority land area of Barangay Dayangdang with 0.2613 square kilometers or 88.37% while the commercial area is 0.0241 square kilometers or 8.15% and lastly the river occupies 0.0103 hectares or 3.48%. The soil type of this community Pili Clay Loam.
The only major waterway in the area is Naga River. It has a high risk to flash flood because the river is near at the residential area.
The barangay is accessible to all kinds of vehicles like pedicab, tricycle, multi-cab and the traditionally known kalesa.
NOTE: the figures with * are taken from the National Statistics Office while the rest of the populations are projections base from the given figures from NSO.
The total number of household as of 1998 is 921 an average of 6 individuals per household.
The Community Multi-Sectoral Assembly that was conducted last September 1998 shows that the out of 936 total number of household 244 or 26% are two storey or multi storey, 86 or 9% are split level and the remaining 606 or 65% are single storey. Moreover, in building resistance 361 or 39% are in High Risk with light materials, 61 or 7% are in Medium Risk with Semi-concrete building with G.I. Roofing, 79 or 8% are in Low Risk with Concrete frame with G.I. Roof and Walls and the remaining 435 or 46% are No Risk.
Source: City Health Office 1998 data
The labor force of Barangay Dayangdang is 814. From 15-64, 13.33% or 456 are Professionals, 2.40% are in Vocational or Technical force or 82, Laborers composed of 7.75% or 265, self-employed has .82 % or 28 individuals while Overseas Contract Workers has .26 % or 9 persons. The remaining 75.44% or 2,580 of the total labor force are still finishing education, have undergone further studies or unemployed. The total number of 217 or 3.93% has retired or has their own business.
The top five (5) illnesses in the Barangay are Cardio-pulmonary arrest with 11 cases or .20 % of the total population, Pneumonia with 5 cases or .09 %, Cardiac Arrest with 3 cases or .05 %, Hypovolemic Shock with 2 cases or .04 % and Hepatic Encephalopathy with 1 case or .02%.