The David O. McKay School of Education, which was named after David O. McKay, operates one of the largest teacher preparation programs in the United States.
The school specializes in teaching, administration, communication disorders, and educational inquiry. The McKay School is located on the southwest end of Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, and is housed in the David O. McKay Building. The school was founded as the College of Education, and it was renamed the David O. McKay School of Education in 1998.
The David O. McKay School of Education began in 1913; it was named the Church Teachers College,and Edwin S. Hinckley was the first dean. It was renamed the School of Education in 1920 and in 1921 became the College of Education.
In 1954, the undergraduate majors outside of elementary education and early-childhood education were shifted into the colleges of their specific discipline, and the Department of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation was made into a college separate from the College of Education. Since then, the College of Education has only offered educational methods courses for those majors. In 2009 the physical education teaching/coaching major was moved back into the McKay School with the dissolution of the College of Health and Human Performance.
The College of Education was renamed the David O. McKay School of Education in 1998.
The David O. McKay School of Education has seven departments: Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling; Communication Disorders; Counseling Psychology and Special Education; Educational Inquiry, Measurement, and Evaluation; Educational Leadership and Foundations; Instructional Psychology and Technology; and Teacher Education.
The Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling focuses on improving educators and schools. CITES manages teacher preparation of secondary education majors in other BYU colleges well as the five public school districts in the BYU–Public Schools Partnership.
The Department of Communication Disorders specializes in expanding knowledge of clinical practice through teaching, research, and clinical service. The Communication Disorders Department offers bachelor's and master's degrees in communication disorders. The department also manages the BYU Speech and Language Clinic, which offers evaluations and treatment services in the areas of speech, language, voice, fluency, and aural rehabilitation.