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David Attenborough filmography

The following is a chronological list of television series and individual programmes where David Attenborough is credited as writer, presenter, narrator or producer. In a career spanning seven decades, Attenborough's name has become synonymous with the natural history programmes produced by the BBC Natural History Unit.

The episodes: Return from the Chaco; Cactus Island in the Desert ; The Gran Chaco; Argentine Excursion; Oven Birds and Capybaras; Butterfly Birds and Armadillos.

Episodes associated with Attenborough:

Savage New Guinea; Festival in Kano; Hill Tribes of the Deccan; White Elephant; Men of the Dream Time; Caribbean Expedition; Hunters of Spitzbergen; The Opium People; The Leg Rowers of Burma; Chop! Music and Zulu Dancing; Adriatic Journey; Antarctic Adventure; Dancing Dervishes; In Search of Stanley; Overland to Singapore; The Hidden Valley of Apa Tanis; Pygmies of the Congo; The Choco Indians of Colombia; Head Hunters and Giraffe Women; The Fur-trappers of Greenland; Lapland Summer; The Bird Cliffs of Lofoten; The Strange Creatures of Galapagos; Unknown India; Chinese Journey; The Ascent of Annapuma IV; 'Sherpa'; Land of the Lost; The Land of the Gurkhas.

Episode list: “The Desert Gods”, “Hermits of Borolloola”, “The Artists of Arnhem Land”, “Bush Walkabout”, “The First Australians"; Buffalo, Geese and Men”.

Episode list: The Strange Caves Of Borneo; Fire Giants Of Sumatra; Mudbuilders Of Borneo; Green Ceilings Of Borneo; Borneo's Cathedral Of Trees; Life And Death In Paradise.

Episode titles: The Story of Roald Amundsen, The Story of Charles Montague Doughty, The Story of Henry Morton Stanley, The Story of Burke And Wills, The Story of Mary Kingsley, The Story of Jedediah Strong Smith, The Story of Alexander von Humboldt, The Story of Captain James Cook, The Story of Francisco Pizarro, The Story of Christopher Columbus.

Episode 1: Here Be Monsters

Episode 2: Marvels of the Deep

Episode 3: Dragons and Serpents

Episode 4: Winged Creatures

Episode 5: Horns of Magic

Episode 6: Man or Beast

"Behind the Mask"

"The Crooked Beak of Heaven"

"The Sweat of the Sun"

"The Kingdom of Bronze"

"Woven Gardens"

"The Man Blong Custom"

"Across The Frontiers"

Episode list: “The Infinite Variety”, “Building Bodies”, “The First Forests”, “The Swarming Hordes”, “Conquest of the Waters”, “Invasion of the Land”, “Victors of the Dry Land”, “Lords of the Air"”, “The Rise of the Mammals”, “Theme and Variations”, “The Hunters and Hunted”, “Life in the Trees”.

