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Darksaber (novel)

Author Kevin J. Anderson
Country United States
Language English
Series Callista Trilogy
Canon C
Genre Science fiction
Publisher Bantam Spectra
Publication date
November 1, 1995
November 1, 1996
Media type Print (Hardcover & Paperback)
Pages Hardcover: 399
Paperback: 464
OCLC 32779298
Preceded by Children of the Jedi
Followed by Planet of Twilight

Darksaber is a 1995 Star Wars novel by American writer Kevin J. Anderson. The novel is set immediately after Children of the Jedi and one year before Planet of Twilight in the Star Wars expanded universe timeline.

In the Jedi Academy trilogy, Admiral Daala is forced to retreat to the Core Worlds, where some of the remaining Imperial warlords bicker over the Empire's remaining forces in the region. Immediately thereafter, Luke Skywalker encounters Callista, a former Jedi who was trapped in the Eye of Palpatine. After being rescued, Callista is forced to take the form of one of Luke's former students. Luke and Callista immediately fall in love and work on building the Jedi Academy, though Callista still cannot use the Force. Meanwhile, Bevel Lemelisk is searching for a new assignment, which is given to him by Durga the Hutt.

Darksaber is set eight years after Return of the Jedi, a time in which Grand Admiral Thrawn and the resurrected Emperor have been defeated, and the New Republic is experiencing a brief lull in conflict after the events in Children of the Jedi.

While searching Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo learn that the Hutts are planning to build another superweapon. Meanwhile, in the Hoth Asteroid Belt, Durga the Hutt is planning a diplomatic mission to Coruscant, where he will secretly obtain the plans for the Death Star superlaser for Bevel Lemelisk, the Death Star's designer. Skywalker and Solo reveal their discoveries, but not before Durga's subordinates steal the plans from the Imperial Palace. In order to find out the location of the superweapon, the New Republic launches a covert operation to Nal Hutta, disguised as a diplomatic summit. Back at the Hoth asteroid belt, Lemelisk starts construction on the cylindrical superlaser, which he calls the "Darksaber" for its shape is similar to the hilt of a lightsaber.

