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Darken Rahl

This article is about the characters in Terry Goodkind's epic fantasy series The Sword of Truth, also expanded to its television version Legend of the Seeker.

Richard Rahl is introduced to the series as Richard Cypher, the adopted son of George Cypher and the younger stepbrother of Michael Cypher. He learns that his real father is named Darken Rahl (in the television series, Darken Rahl is Richard's brother). He has five known siblings: three half-brothers, one stepbrother and one half-sister. He grew up as a woods guide in Westland, leading travelers safely through the Hartland forests, and spent most of his life in the woods so that he would know all the plants by name or by sight. He is friends with the first wizard Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander. Over the course of the series, he learns more about his heritage and his gift, facilitating his role as the Seeker of Truth and the master of D'Hara. Throughout the series, he also grows and learns a lot of High D'Haran (the language of ancient D'Hara). He reads the Journal of Kolo to understand and learn this language.

Richard is described as having gray eyes (brown in the television series), a piercing raptor-like gaze, dark hair and a tall muscular form. In Debt of the Bones, it is revealed that he got his gray eyes from his mother, and it has been quoted by several women in the books that he is the most handsome man they have ever seen. Richard is in love with Kahlan Amnell and sees her as the only reason he lives.

Kahlan Amnell is the Mother Confessor and the last living Confessor after Darken Rahl hunted all the others down. A woman of true grace and beauty, she has green eyes (blue in the television series), long brown hair (dark brown or black in the television series), and typically wears a flowing white dress when acting as the Mother Confessor. In the television series, she sometimes wears a green dress, and later a brown and black one, that she uses as traveling clothing. Indicative of her position as the Mother Confessor, her Confessor's power is the strongest among the Confessors. Unlike most Confessors, who typically need one to a few days to restore their power after it has been used, Kahlan recovers far more quickly, requiring only a couple of hours to do so. It is for this reason that she was chosen as the Mother Confessor at an unusually young age. Kahlan is the ongoing love interest and eventual wife of the Seeker, Richard Rahl. She has a kind and generous soul, remarkable for its resolution and devotion to her people, but only the brutal Mord-Sith have less pity for their enemies than does the Mother Confessor.

In her fight against the Imperial Order (Stone of Tears), Kahlan declares war against the Order, with no quarter. When she comes across the "children" (as she calls them), of the Galean Army, it is quoted that she is not much older than the 18-year-old Captain. She is seen entering the order's camp by herself, where she kills the wizard Slagle, and over 100 men. She then leads the Galean men into battle. She fearlessly leads them in the night while painted with white paint, and completely naked, and they are able to deal serious damage the Order's numbers. She is an extremely modest person. When she returns from the initial fight, she leads the captain to believe that she was not really of any assistance in battle. Captain Bradley Ryan caught her in a lie, when one of the soldiers praised her for saving their lives by putting herself between her men, and the enemy troops (nearly getting her killed in the process).

