Dark Conspiracy is a near-future horror role-playing game (RPG) originally developed by Game Designers' Workshop (GDW) in 1991. In 1997, the Second Edition was published by DPI (Dynasty Presentations, Inc). In April 2010 the option for a third edition was granted to US-based company Kinstaff Media, who began to release brand-new material in February 2011 under the name 3 Hombres Games. The third edition rules were released in December 2012, with the current release having had various errata corrected being known as Conspiracy Rules V.1.1.
Lester Smith's Dark Conspiracy (1991), used GDW's new house system derived from Twilight: 2000, and was a near-future game of dark horror. Shortly after the release of the core game a trilogy of Dark Conspiracy novels (1992) by Michael Stackpole was published. The Dark Conspiracy product line was shut down in 1993 due to the declining customer interest. Dark Conspiracy Enterprises picked up the rights to Dark Conspiracy and later licensed a second edition to Dynasty Publications and an abortive third edition to The Gamers' Conglomerate. A third edition was eventually released by Kinstaff Media/3Hombres Games in December 2012.
Dark Conspiracy was well known for its extremely detailed setting and background material. The game was set in the early 21st century after the "Greater Depression" has destroyed the global economy. Focusing on the United States, the game describes a country undergoing slow collapse. Most of the largest cities have continued to expand and formed massive metroplexes, in some cases covering entire states' worth of land. Outside of the metroplexes the majority of the country has become known as "Out-Law" where there is virtually no federal or state protection and the road network is barely maintained between the glittering lights of the Metroplexes. Scattered throughout the Out-Law and even in the darker and more forbidding areas of the Metroplexes, zones known as "Demonground" have begun to appear. These areas are warped and twisted by energy leaking from other dimensions, trying to impose their version of reality onto our own. Out of these areas spread monsters: everything from legendary creatures such as Vampires and Werewolves to the science fiction nightmares of aliens and cyborgs. The PCs typically assume the roles of people who have stumbled across this "Dark Incursion", known as Minion Hunters, and taken up arms against it.