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Dalibor (opera)

Opera by Bedřich Smetana
The composer in 1854, painting by Geskel Saloman
Librettist Josef Wenzig ()
Language Czech
Premiere 16 May 1868 (1868-05-16)
Provisional Theatre, Prague

Dalibor is a Czech opera in three acts by Bedřich Smetana. The libretto was written in German by Josef Wenzig (), and translated into Czech by Ervin Špindler. It was first performed at the New Town Theatre in Prague on 16 May 1868. The opera received criticism at the time for being overly influenced by German opera, including that of Richard Wagner.

The subject of the opera is (fl. c. 1490), a Czech knight who took part in an uprising in Ploskovice in support of the oppressed people and was sentenced to death in 1498, during the reign of Vladislas II. The plot bears a resemblance to that of Ludwig van Beethoven's opera Fidelio, in that the central female characters in each opera disguise themselves in male clothing to try to save the hero.

Smetana had great affection for the opera, but because of the lukewarm reception, died thinking that he had failed with this opera. The revival in 1886, however, two years after the composer's death, was a success. In the 1890s, the opera received productions in Zagreb, Munich, and Hamburg.Gustav Mahler conducted an 1892 production in Vienna.

Dalibor, a Czech Knight is on trial before the king for having murdered the burgrave of Ploskovice in revenge for execution of his friend Zdenek. At the trial, the king calls upon the burgrave’s sister, Milada, who demands his execution. As Dalibor is brought in, the crowd rises in support of him. When Dalibor tells of his friend’s capture and murder the court reduces his sentence from death to lifetime imprisonment. Milada painfully realized that she is falling in love with Dalibor, and in collusion with Jitka, an orphan befriended by the knight, she resolves to set him free.

Milada enters the prison disguised as a boy and finds employment with Dalibor’s jailer, Benes. She charms Benes into allowing her into dungeon where Dalibor is being held. The knight greets her with jubilation and, in a passionate duet, they sing of their love for each other.

They plot to bribe Benes, but the jailer informs the king of their attempted escape. Taking the advice of his council, the king orders Dalibor’s death. Milada, waiting outside the prison, hears the tolling of the bell that signals Dalibor’s execution. Accompanied by her followers, she storms the castle, where, after rescuing Dalibor, she is wounded and dies in his arms. Dalibor stabs himself and is united in death with his beloved. An alternative ending has Dalibor executed before Milada can rescue him.

