Daewoo Securities (D/B/A KDB Daewoo Securities) (KRX: ) is the largest stock brokerage and investment banking firm by market capitalization in Korea. The company has been a subsidiary of KDB Financial Group since the early 2000s. Its name originates from the large Daewoo Conglomerate of Korea to which it originally belonged.
Daewoo Securities has 3,081 employees in 124 branches in Korea and abroad. It has a marketshare of approximately 9% of the Korean , in terms both of trading value and commissions. The stated Business Agenda of Daewoo Securities is to become a worldwide operation, in line with the expansion plans of its parent, the Korea Development Bank.
Daewoo Securities is a full-service brokerage and investment bank with a large client base. As well as being a stockbroker it also has wider wealth management capabilities, aiming to provide for all its client wealth needs. It has rapidly expanded its investment banking offerings, particularly in the area of IPO underwriting, ECM, DCM, and M&A advisory.
Daewoo Securities was founded in 1970 as part of the Daewoo Corporation, the second largest conglomerate in Korea after Hyundai. The Daewoo Corporation was better known as an industrial conglomerate, making cars and ships and operating steel works. The South Korean state encouraged large and paternalistic conglomerates to use their capital to expand into unrelated businesses, protected by high tariff barriers and arcane regulations. In this way the car and steel giant Daewoo branched out into dealing in securities.