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DY postcode area

Dudley postcode area
DY is located in the United Kingdom
Postcode area DY
Postcode area name Dudley
Post towns 8
Postcode districts 14
Postcode sectors 59
Postcodes (live) 11,007
Postcodes (total) 13,997
Statistics as at February 2012

Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google

The DY postcode area, also known as the Dudley postcode area, is a group of postcode districts around Bewdley, Brierley Hill, Dudley, Kidderminster, Kingswinford, Stourbridge, Stourport-on-Severn and Tipton in England. The mail is sorted at the North West Midlands Mail centre in Wolverhampton.

The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:

