The UCPH Department of Computer Science (Danish: Datalogisk Institut, DIKU) is a department under the Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen (UCPH). DIKU offers both undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs. Students with a diploma equivalent of a Danish secondary school diploma are accepted for the undergraduate program, from where they can proceed with graduate studies and eventually Ph.D. studies.
DIKU was created in 1970 as a spin-out from the Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The first professor at DIKU was Peter Naur.
Research at the department is handled by a number of research groups, labs and centres. As of September 2010, the main groups are
DIKU is based at University Park in Copenhagen, part of the university's North Campus. Its building complex comprises the former Department of Anatomy. The Human-Centered Computing Group is located at both the university's South Campus on Amager as well as at the e-Science center in the Hans Christian Ørsted Institute, also at University Park.
An important social event is the DIKU revue which is held each year in June. The DIKU revue is always in competition with the physics revue and never misses an opportunity to computer-animate the complete and utter destruction of the physics institute at the H. C. Ørsted Institute.
As something unique among the institutes of Copenhagen University, the DIKU cantine is entirely student driven and open 24 hours. It is the natural hub for all social events on DIKU.
The two largest social events are the DIKU revue and the Julefrokost (Christmas lunch) of the cantine.