DARWIN-OP which stands for Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence–Open Platform is a miniature-humanoid robot platform with advanced computational power, sophisticated sensors, high payload capacity, and dynamic motion ability developed and manufactured by Korean robot manufacturer ROBOTIS in collaboration with Virginia Tech, Purdue University,and University of Pennsylvania. DARWIN-OP has twenty degrees of freedom [20 DOF] each controlled by a DYNAMIXEL MX-28T servo motor. The MX-28T has a stall torque of 24 kgf·cm (at 12 V, 1.5 A) and a 360 degree range of motion.
With the release of the ROBOTIS OP2, the name of DARwIn-OP has also changed. [1]
DARWIN-OP's main purpose is for research and programmers in the fields of humanoid, artificial intelligence, gait algorithm, vision,inverse kinematics, linguistics, etc... It is also supported by $1.2 million NSF grant and has been distributed to over 14 institutions already.
DARWIN-OP is also the winner of the Kid Size League in the RoboCup 2011 2012 League, and 2013 League.
Many source codes are being shared and are open. * [2] (English)
This platform is currently used in the ICRA, RoboCup, FIRA, and Humabot competition. Links below.
Beginning in 2012 ROBOTIS and IEEE ICRA has sponsored the DARWIN-OP Humanoid Application Challenge, held at the ICRA conference. The competition encourages participants to solve novel problems using DARWIN-OP and present their findings at the conference. Winners are selected by a panel of experts as well as popular vote amongst the participants. The winning team has been awarded the DARWIN-OP Deluxe Edition for two consecutive years along with software(s). All finalists are also rewarded. As of 2015, the challenge name has changed to Humanoid Application Challenge and is now open to all applications.