The Cyprus Amateur Football Federation (CAFF) (Greek: Κυπριακή Ερασιτεχνική Ποδοσφαιρική Ομοσπονδία) was founded in 1948 by leftist actors and athletes. The establishment meant the division of the Cyprus football for 5 years into two federations. The CAFF held its own league and cup.
At the time of the founding of CFFA, Greece was political turmoil due to the conflict between the right and left in the Greek Civil War. The situation in Greece moved to Cyprus and penetrated both in political life, and in sports. Most sports factors occupied with politics.
In Famagusta, the GSE (Gymnastic Club Evagoras) and Anorthosis were the only clubs involved in sports. Within the ranks of the GSE had progressive athletes who were the top in Cyprus, while Anorthosis played players with progressive ideas. However, in the spirit of that era, both the GSE and Anorthosis began to impose restrictions of various kinds. Because people with progressive ideas in the ranks of Anorthosis started to rise, members of Anorthosis who wanted to nationalist-dominated climate the club decided to place restrictions on the admission of members and specifically limited to people with progressive ideas. Also, players who were considered people with progressive ideas, not promoted. Since the beginning of 1947 a portion of Famagusta progressive people inside and outside of GSE and Anorthosis felt that there was room for the creation of a second club in the city. In front of the imposing restrictions, envisioned a club that would be away from politics and will "embrace" all working class of Famagusta, in order to spread the sports >. Thus, on March 7, 1948, the first progressive club established, Nea Salamis Famagusta FC. A similar atmosphere against progressive athletes prevailed in other cities of Cyprus. In Larnaca founded on 10 April, Alki Larnaca FC.
One month later, before the Cypriot track and field Games in May 1948, SEGAS, Hellenic Amateur Athletic Association, asked all the Gymnastics Association of Cyprus indicate that the clubs "nationalist beliefs". The Athletic Club and rightists athletes signed these statements. The only club that refused to sign the statement was the Gymnastic Association "Kinyras" Paphos and this precluded from racing. Progressives athletes were opposed to the statement made by their clubs, refused to sign statements and renounced their ideological beliefs, the first to react to are the champions of the GSE, Antonis Totsis and Nikis Georgiou. The GSE invited the two athletes apology but the two athletes insisted on their opinion that sport should stay away from politics. Additionally, progressives athletes decided to support the Gymnastic Association "Kinyras" Paphos, if it does not allowed to take part in the Cypriot Track and field Games. Progressives athletes GSE, who had assured the first positions, sacrificed them to support Kinyras. The GSE had a very strong team and was confident for first place in the games. But after this development finished third. The GSE acting vindictively for the fact that athletes of Nea Salamis were not involved in the Cypriot Games, sent a letter to the club informed that prohibited the entrance of the GSE Stadium, a letter signed by the President of GSE. Followed deletions and other athletes from GSE and Anorthosis, who had to stand by his teammates.