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Cyclecide is an American bicycle club based in San Francisco, California that is composed of clowns, altered bikes, and a traveling show called "The Bike Rodeo", which is a public performance, and not a bicycle rodeo, a children's bicycle safety clinic.

Jarico Reese and Erin Peruse organized the first Bike Rodeo on May 23, 1998 outside of Cyclone Warehouse in San Francisco. The event was a call to all local artists to build any type of bicycle attraction they could think of and bring it to the Bike Rodeo. The show was a massive success with several people flinging themselves off of a 3-foot burning bike ramp at the end of the show. This show solidified the group and they decided to host more events.

An inspiration for many bicycle gangs, including Cyclecide, is the C.h.u.n.k. 666 zine.

"Cyclecide is a group of people in San Francisco who take junked bikes, alter them, and weld them into tall bikes, choppers, and other contraptions. Welding is fun." The group is composed of welders, musicians, seamstresses, inventors, and bicycle enthusiasts.

Cyclecide takes bikes out of the junkyard and "pre-cycles" them—they turn them into art before they get recycled.Tall bikes—the symbol of the bicycle subculture—are a staple in the Cyclecide fleet. Some bikes are welded into bicycle choppers. The Suburban Intruder is a Frankenstein combination of a push mower and a bicycle: "2000 are in production to mow a strip across America", states Reese in a performance. Other bikes have names like 666 Chopper, Twelve Pack Fetch, Bone Bike, and Bumblebee.

Cyclecide also creates bike powered carnival rides. The first were quite primitive—the bicycle teeter-totter was a 10-foot 4x4 piece of wood with a 3-foot . Then came the Bicycle Carousel—just like the one at the carnival, but you have to pedal the bikes to make it go around. Paul daPlumber designed and welded a two-seated, pedal-powered Ferris wheel for Cyclecide.

