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Critical graph

The general notion of criticality can refer to any measure. However, in graph theory, when the term is used without any qualification, it almost always refers to the chromatic number of a graph. Critical graphs are the minimal members in terms of chromatic number, which is a very important measure in graph theory. More precise definitions follow.

A vertex or an edge is a critical element of a graph G if its deletion would decrease the chromatic number of G. Obviously such decrement can be no more than 1 in a graph.

A critical graph is a graph in which every vertex or edge is a critical element. A k-critical graph is a critical graph with chromatic number k; a graph G with chromatic number k is k-vertex-critical if each of its vertices is a critical element.

Some properties of a k-critical graph G with n vertices and m edges:

Graph G is vertex-critical if and only if for every vertex v, there is an optimal proper coloring in which v is a singleton color class.

As Hajós (1961) showed, every k-critical graph may be formed from a complete graph Kk by combining the Hajós construction with an operation of identifying two nonadjacent vertices. The graphs formed in this way always require k colors in any proper coloring.

A double-critical graph is a connected graph in which the deletion of any pair of adjacent vertices decreases the chromatic number by two. One open problem is to determine whether Kk is the only double-critical k-chromatic graph (Erdős 1966).

