This list is limited to the original creators of source material for animated movie franchises that have each generated over $1 billion from all revenues after only 1 sequel. Total revenues are defined as theatrical markets (worldwide box office) plus ancillary markets (home media, cable, merchandising, books, video games, TV series, theme parks, etc.). Creators of franchises are divided into two categories and are defined as either one creator who originated the source material alone or multiple creators who originated the source material in collaboration.
Of the 12 animated movie franchises that have each generated total revenues exceeding $1 billion after only 1 sequel, 7 of them were created by sole-individuals.
Of the 12 animated movie franchises that have each generated total revenues exceeding $1 billion after only 1 sequel, 5 of them were created in collaboration.
The following 14 creators of source material for franchises are members of the billion-dollar club, representing 12 animated movie franchises and over $12 billion in total revenues.