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The Chronique de la Pucelle or Chronique de Cousinot was composed by Guillaume Cousinot (1400-1484), seigneur de Montreuil, the son of Guillaume Cousinot (d. circa 1442) who was chancellor to Louis I, Duke of Orléans. The younger Cousinot is a major contemporary source for the episode of the Hundred Years' War that featured the career of Joan of Arc.

The careers of father and son were separated, and the two were identified in the 19th century as uncle and nephew by Auguste Vallet de Viriville (1815-1868), assistant-professor at the École des chartes, who published the Chronique in 1859; however, a few years later, the two Guillaume Cousinot were correctly identified as father and son by Jules Doinel (1842-1902), archivist at the departmental archives of the Loiret in Orléans.

The father, Guillaume I Cousinot, was a distinguished lawyer (avocat) at the Parlement de Paris at the beginning of the fifteenth century. In 1408, he was selected by Valentina Visconti, Duchess of Orléans to defend the memory of her late husband Louis I de Valois, Duke of Orléans, assassinated the previous year by Jean sans Peur, Duke of Burgundy. Cousinot rose to the occasion and became a chief counsellor to the House of Orléans, for which his worldly goods were confiscated during the eclipse of the Orléans faction by Jean sans Peur. Shortly before the Battle of Agincourt, Charles d'Orléans, who was taken captive by the English at Agincourt, appointed Cousinot his chancellor. Cousinot administered the affairs of the duchy during Charles' 24-year captivity in England. Eventually Charles VII compensated Cousinot for his losses with lands in Beauce and an hôtel particulier, the hôtel du Grand-Saint-Martin in Orléans.

