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County of Kymmenegård and Nyslott

Kymmenegård and Nyslott County
Kymmenegårds och Nyslotts län
Savonlinnan ja Kymenkartanon lääni
County of Sweden



Capital Villmanstrand¹
 •  Established 1721
 •  Disestablished 1747
¹ Finnish: Lappeenranta

Kymmenegård and Nyslott County (Swedish: Kymmenegårds och Nyslotts län, Finnish: Savonlinnan ja Kymenkartanon lääni) was a county of Sweden from 1721 to 1747.

In 1721, following the Great Northern War, the southern parts of the counties of Viborg and Nyslott and Kexholm were ceded by the Treaty of Nystad to the Russian Empire. The remaining territories were joined into the new County of Kymmenegård and Nyslott. In 1743 following a new conflict southern part of the new county, including the residence city of Villmanstrand, was ceded to Russia in the Treaty of Åbo. Remaining part of the county was merged with some territories from County of Nyland and Tavastehus in 1747 to a new County of Savolax and Kymmenegård.

