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County Route 21 (Delaware County, New York)

County routes in Delaware County, New York, are signed with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices-standard yellow-on-blue pentagon route marker. Recently, some new markers have been added at junctions with some state highways. However, others were never added, so it may not be easy to find these routes. Also, several of these routes begin on the outskirts of small towns and villages, and there are no signs pointing the way for motorists to find these routes from main streets. "TO" signs with arrows would be extremely helpful to motorists, especially in Downsville, Walton, Sidney, and Andes, where the location of the routes can not easily be ascertained. Routes observed with faded and illegible, or missing route markers are CR4(at Rt.8), CR6(at Rt.28 Margaretville), and CR26(Downsville end). Many County Maintained Routes in Delaware County have no winter road maintenance (plowing, salting, sanding) at NIGHT due to safety concerns. The county posts signs on these routes warning motorists that there is no nighttime road maintenance in winter months. Otherwise, Delaware County's highways are very well maintained, and are amongst some of the better quality county highways in the state.

There are 2 County Maintained routes that are missing from the Route list below. They are CR 19, Beebe Hill Road, which connects Old Rt. 8 to the Broome County Line, and CR 48, Laurel Bank Ave. which connects Rt.8/10 to Main St., both in Deposit.

