The Country Bear Christmas Special is a holiday version of the Country Bear Jamboree attraction at Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World and the Disneyland Resort. The show premiered at Magic Kingdom and Disneyland during the 1984 holiday season due to overwhelming popularity of the original shows' success. The show also premiered at Tokyo Disneyland as Jingle Bell Jamboree in 1988.
The Country Bear Christmas Special was the first time an attraction at any Disney theme park became interchangeable during the year.
At the Disneyland Resort, the Christmas special stopped in 2000 as the Country Bear Playhouse closed on September 9, 2001. At Disney World, the Christmas special stopped in 2005 for reasons that include copyright issues with some of the songs performed in the show such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (song). It's been rumored that it might return in the future.
Because the show was a Christmas special, the characters in the show were put into holiday outfits for their various acts.
Henry-The "ringmaster" of the show, Henry is a welcoming and friendly brown bear. He wears a grey top hat with a red trim and a light green scarf. In some parts of the show, he plays a yellow guitar. He is voiced by Pete Renaday.
Liver-Lips McGrowl-Liver Lips is perhaps the funniest-looking bear. He's a brown bear who gets his name from his very large lips. He becomes an Elvis impersonator in this show, wearing an Elvis-style Santa suit with gold chains around his neck and wears a fancy ring. In this show, he plays a Christmas tree-shaped electric guitar and is voiced by Imagineer Dave Durham.
Wendell-Wendell is a brown bear with a massive overbite and buck teeth. He carries a squirrel gun, which he accidentally fires a couple of times throughout the show. He wears a hunter's hat and jacket. In this show, he is voiced by Dave Durham.
Teddi Berra-Teddi Berra is a unique bear because she never appears onstage. Instead, she descends from a hole in the ceiling on her swing. She is a brown bear who holds a pair of skis, has a cast on her leg and is dressed in ski gear. She is voiced by Genia Fuller.
Ernest-Ernest is a brown bear who plays the fiddle. He wears a beanie cap and sweater with a trim in the middle with reindeers. There's also a sled next to him. He's voiced by Mike Weston.