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Correa (plant)

Fleur de Correa reflexa.jpg
Correa reflexa, growing wild at Abercrombie Caves, NSW, Australia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Subfamily: Rutoideae
Genus: Correa

See text.

See text.

Correa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rutaceae, with bell-shaped flowers, native mainly to eastern Australia. There are ca. 11 species in the genus and 26 subspecies. Natural hybridisation between the species makes taxonomic relationships within this genus problematic. There are also hundreds of named cultivars, many of which have been registered with the Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (ACRA).

The genus Correa is named after the Portuguese botanist José Correia da Serra (1750–1823), known as Abbé Correa.

The species are as follows:

Many Correa hybrids are grown in Australian gardens. They are generally easy to grow. Correa alba and C. glabra varieties are the hardiest withstanding heavy frost and severe droughts. They can be grown in either full sun or a partly shaded spot in the garden. Correa glabra varieties have fragrant leaves. Correa lawrenceana is the largest of the correas. These need to be grown in the shade and do best in an understorey habitat. They are highly attractive to birds for both nectar and nest sites and are ideally planted in a thicket. Correa pulchella varieties produce the most beautiful coloured bells ranging from pale pink to deep orange to carmine. They need to be grown in part shade and watered regularly. Correa reflexa varieties range in colour from green to deep red. They also need to be grown in a partly shaded position and watered regularly. Some Correa species, such as C. eburnea and C. calycina are endangered and difficult to obtain in the nursery trade.

