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Corona (fictional world)

Corona is the name of the fantasy world in which R.A. Salvatore's The DemonWars Saga and The Highwayman are set.

It can be noted that the world of Corona bears a striking resemblance to Eastern Canada. Major rivers as well as landmasses are shown. The area titled as Alpinador is in the same location and has the same basic shape as Labrador.

Several populated areas of Corona have been introduced in the novels to date.

Alpinador is the home of the Alpinadorans, a somewhat barbaric race of tall, strong men and women. The ranger Andacanavar is an Alpinadoran. This is the northernmost and most mountainous known nation of Corona. As a result, it is bitingly cold most of the year.

Also known as the 'Valley of Mists' or the 'Forest of Cloud', Andur'Blough Inninness is the hidden home of the Touel'alfar, the winged elves who raise and train the few human rangers of the world. The land is ruled by Lady Dasslerond, the queen of the Touel'alfar. It is the place where Elbryan Wyndon, the Nightbird, was raised and trained after his home, Dundalis, was destroyed. After the events of the novel Immortalis, Lady Dasslerond is replaced by Belli'mar Juraviel as ruler.

The Barbican is a region of dangerous mountainous wilderness in the northwest of Corona.

In The Demon Awakens, this volcanic mountain is the unholy lair of the demon dactyl Bestesbulzibar, but becomes a site of holy power after Avelyn Desbris slays the monster.

Avelyn's mummified arm, which extends out of the flattened mountaintop, has significant magical power. Whenever any evil creature sets foot upon the plateau, waves of holy power turn the creature to dust. As of the events of the novel Mortalis and the spreading of the smallpox-like 'rosy plague', a small amount of blood can always be found oozing from Avelyn's palm. Anyone who touches his or her lips to the blood is cured of the rosy plague and is forever after immune to the disease. After news of the arm's power had spread across Corona, pilgrims have travelled regularly to the site, and (in the novel Immortalis) Avelyn was canonized as a saint of the Abellican Church.

Behren is the southernmost kingdom in the world of Corona; however, it is known that impenetrable jungles exist to the south of that land. Behren is ruled by religious clerics called Yatols, the most important of them being the Chezru Chieftain, Yakim Douan. However, the ruling system of Behren begins to break down after the events of the novel Transcendence. Behren's key city is Jacintha, the largest known city in Corona.

