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Constant factor approximation algorithm

In complexity theory the class APX (an abbreviation of "approximable") is the set of NP optimization problems that allow polynomial-time approximation algorithms with approximation ratio bounded by a constant (or constant-factor approximation algorithms for short). In simple terms, problems in this class have efficient algorithms that can find an answer within some fixed multiplicative factor of the optimal answer.

An approximation algorithm is called an -approximation algorithm for input size if it can be proven that the solution that the algorithm finds is at most a multiplicative factor of times worse than the optimal solution. Here, is called the approximation ratio. Problems in APX are those with algorithms for which the approximation ratio is a constant . The approximation ratio is conventionally stated greater than 1. In the case of minimization problems, is the found solution's score divided by the optimum solution's score, while for maximization problems the reverse is the case. For maximization problems, where an inferior solution has a smaller score, is sometimes stated as less than 1; in such cases, the reciprocal of is the ratio of the score of the found solution to the score of the optimum solution.

