Conflict analysis or conflict assessment is an initial stage of conflict resolution in which parties seek to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics in their relationship. For instance, in Darfur, conflict analysis of the Fur-Arab War in 1987 noted that:
from time immemorial, seasonal fluctuations in water and grazing land had led to conflict over natural resources in Darfur.
When there is a disagreement in the methods used to achieve an end result, and there is a disparity between a unified vision and direction, opposing sides are subject to conflict. If these sides consistently misinterpret one another, a problematic situation can spiral out of control rapidly. Conflicts are not always linear in nature. Members of multiple organizational levels with varying statuses can all partake in conflict. When undergoing analysis, it is integral to understand the reasons that spark such disagreement to effectively reach its resolution. Many schools, such as Eastern Mennonite University's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, George Mason University, Nova Southeastern University, University of the Rockies, and Wayne State University have programs related to conflict analysis and resolution. There are also various subsets of conflict analysis such as environmental conflict analysis, which deal with specific types of disputes. In certain occasions a conflict atlas is used to show graphically the analysis of the conflict. The prefixes macro- and micro- are used in conjunctions with conflicts to denote the scale of the conflict, macro referring to a larger scale conflict and micro referring to a conflicting situation on a smaller scale. Conflicts can arise at different levels, from intrapersonal to interpersonal issues as well as between two individuals or between two countries as a whole. The outcome dictates how we refer to a given conflict. When a result is the change in the status quo, that conflict is now referred to as a revolution.
Celia Cook-Hoffman defines Identity as "how individuals and collectives see and understand themselves in a conflict." Identity plays a vital role in a conflicting situation. How the opponent perceives their competition dictates how they will move forward with the conflict. Conversely, the opponent is also aware of how they are perceived and understands they are obligated to maintain their reputation throughout the conflict. This can give rise to defensive tactics as well as to retaliation. In this aspect, identity is not unlike reputation. Identities are a social construct, and once cemented, are almost impossible to alter.