Cold agglutinin disease is a form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia caused by cold-reacting autoantibodies. Autoantibodies that bind to the erythrocyte membrane leading to premature erythrocyte destruction (hemolysis) characterize autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
A common complaint among patients with cold agglutinin disease is painful fingers and toes with purplish discoloration associated with cold exposure. In chronic cold agglutinin disease, the patient is more symptomatic during the colder months.
Cold agglutinin mediated acrocyanosis differs from Raynaud phenomenon. In Raynaud phenomena, caused by vasospasm, a triphasic color change occurs, from white to blue to red, based on vasculature response. No evidence of such a response exists in cold agglutinin disease.
Other symptoms
Cold agglutinins develop in more than 60% of patients with infectious mononucleosis, but hemolytic anemia is rare.
Classic chronic cold agglutinin disease is idiopathic, associated with symptoms and signs in relation to cold exposure.
Causes of the monoclonal secondary disease include the following:
Causes of polyclonal secondary cold agglutinin disease include the following:
Cold agglutinins, or cold autoantibodies, occur naturally in nearly all individuals. These natural cold autoantibodies occur at low titers, less than 1:64 measured at 4 °C, and have no activity at higher temperatures. Pathologic cold agglutinins occur at titers over 1:1000 and react at 28-31 °C and sometimes at 37 °C.
Cold agglutinin disease usually results from the production of a specific IgM antibody directed against the I/i antigens (precursors of the ABH and Lewis blood group substances) on red blood cells (RBCs). Cold agglutinins commonly have variable heavy-chain regions encoded by VH, with a distinct idiotype identified by the 9G4 rat murine monoclonal antibody.
Cold agglutinin disease may be managed successfully using protective measures (clothing) alone in most cases. Special protective clothing is sometimes necessary in extreme cases. Therapy is directed at serious symptoms and the underlying disorder, if any is found.
Keep in mind that the idiopathic variety of cold agglutinin disease is generally a benign disorder with prolonged survival and spontaneous exacerbations and remissions in the course of the disease. Acute post infectious syndromes usually resolve spontaneously. Anemia is generally mild. Only patients who have serious symptoms related to anemia or have a Raynaud type syndrome that constitutes a threat to life or quality of life require active therapy. The presence of an associated malignancy requires specific therapy.