The Codex Laud, or Laudianus, (catalogued as MS. Laud Misc. 678, Bodleian Library in Oxford) is an important sixteenth-century manuscript associated with William Laud, an English archbishop who was the former owner of this ancient Mexican codex. It is from the Borgia Group, and is a pictorial manuscript consisting of 24 leaves (48 pages) from Central Mexico, dating from before the Spanish takeover. It is evidently incomplete (part of it is lost).
In its content, it is similar to Codex Bodley and Codex Borgia. It is published (with an "Introduction" by C. A. Burland) in Volume XI of CODICES SELECTI of the Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
The Bodleian Library holds four other Mesoamerican codices: Codex Bodley, Codex Mendoza, Codex Selden and the Selden Roll.