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Clifford torus

In geometric topology, the Clifford torus is the simplest and most symmetric Euclidean space embedding of the cartesian product of two circles Sa1 and Sb1. It resides in R4, as opposed to R3. To see why R4 is required, note that if Sa1 and Sb1 each exist in their own independent embedding spaces Ra2 and Rb2, the resulting product space will be R4 rather than R3. The historically popular view that the cartesian product of two circles is an R3torus in contrast requires the highly asymmetric application of a rotation operator to the second circle, since that circle will only have one independent axis z available to it after the first circle consumes x and y.

Stated another way, the R3 torus is an asymmetric reduced-dimension projection of the maximally symmetric R4 Clifford torus. The relationship is similar to that of projecting the edges of a cube onto a sheet of paper. Such a projection creates a lower-dimensional image that accurately captures the connectivity of the cube edges, but also requires the arbitrary selection and removal of one of the three fully symmetric and interchangeable axes of the cube.

If Sa1 and Sb1 each has a radius of their Clifford torus product will fit perfectly within the unit 3-sphere S3, which is a 3-dimensional submanifold of R4. When mathematically convenient, the Clifford torus can be viewed as residing inside the complex coordinate space C2, since C2 is topologically equivalent to R4.

