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Clemen ap Bledric

Clemen ap Bledric (also known as Clement or Clemens) was a 7th-century King of Dumnonia (now the English West Country).

Born about 580, the son of Bledric ap Custennin, Clemen ruled after his father was killed by King Æthelfrith of Northumbria at the Battle of Bangor-is-Coed (Bangor-on-Dee, Powys Fadog) in about 613. He married the daughter of Guitoli ap Urbgen, who was possibly a great grandson of the late king Gerren Llyngesic, and they had one known son, Petroc Baladrddellt (“Splintered Spear”) - although, according to the Welsh Bonedd y Saint (Genealogies of the Saints), Clemen was the father of St Petroc, other authorities state that this saint lived around a century earlier, the princely son of King Glywys of Glywysing, making it likely Clemen was actually the father of Petroc Baladrddellt.

Some authors have Tewdwr (or Teudu) son of Peredur ruling as king in the fl. 620s, descended from a different line of Dumnonian kings from Gerren Llyngesic's son Cado ap Gerren. This is as given in the Jesus College, Oxford, MS 20, although this line ends with a Judhael as Tewdwr's grandson, almost certainly Judicael, High King of the Bretons, and king of Domnonia in Brittany.

Clemen was probably king when the Britons fought the Battle of Beandun (possibly Bindon near Axmouth in Devon) in 614 when, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle tells us, King Cynegils and his son Cwichelm of Wessex invaded Dumnonia. The location of Bindon on the Devon side of the Dorset border suggests that the Dumnonian army was invading Wessex using the Roman road eastward from Exeter to Dorchester and was intercepted by a West Saxon garrison marching south. 614 is also the year that which the peace was broken on the borders of Glevissig (Glywysing), suggesting the Dumnonians co-ordinated their efforts with the kings of South Wales, such as Nynnio ap Erb who was probably ruling Gwent and Glywysing at the time.

