In mathematics, classical Wiener space is the collection of all continuous functions on a given domain (usually a sub-interval of the real line), taking values in a metric space (usually n-dimensional Euclidean space). Classical Wiener space is useful in the study of whose sample paths are continuous functions. It is named after the American mathematician Norbert Wiener.
Consider E ⊆ Rn and a metric space (M, d). The classical Wiener space C(E; M) is the space of all continuous functions f : E → M. I.e. for every fixed t in E,
In almost all applications, one takes E = [0, T] or [0, +∞) and M = Rn for some n in N. For brevity, write C for C([0, T]; Rn); this is a vector space. Write C0 for the linear subspace consisting only of those functions that take the value zero at the infimum of the set E. Many authors refer to C0 as "classical Wiener space".
The vector space C can be equipped with the uniform norm
turning it into a normed vector space (in fact a Banach space). This norm induces a metric on C in the usual way: . The topology generated by the open sets in this metric is the topology of uniform convergence on [0, T], or the .