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Clark Kerr Campus

Housing at the University of California, Berkeley, consists of student housing facilities run by the office of Residential and Student Service Programs (RSSP). Housing is also offered by off-campus entities such as University fraternities and sororities and the Berkeley Student Cooperative.

When first built in the 1950s and 1960s, the highrise buildings of Units 1, 2, and 3 consisted of four buildings surrounding a common ground-level dining area above a mail room, recreation room, and office structure. Units 1 and 2 have many of the newest residence hall buildings.

Each nine-story building is named after alumni or faculty and were originally designed for single-sex occupancy and configured with a ground floor lobby and recreation room. Each room on the floor was a double or triple occupancy.

Units 1, 2, and 3 have since become co-ed although there are single-sex floors in many of the buildings. As a result of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, additional cross bracing was added to the exteriors of the older highrise Unit 1 and 2 buildings.

The main highrise buildings of Unit 1 are located at 2650 Durant Avenue. It consists of the original halls, Cheney, Deutsch, Freeborn, and Putnam, along with the newer Christian and Slottman Halls, which house mini-suites. The unit's primary dining hall is Crossroads, which it shares with Unit 2. Underneath the central quad, there is an exercise room and a computer lab.

The main buildings of Unit 2 are located at 2650 Haste Street. It consists of the original Cunningham, Davidson, Ehrman, and Griffiths Halls, as well as the newer Towle Hall mini-suites and the Wada Hall apartments. The unit's primary dining hall is Crossroads, which it shares with Unit 1. Like Unit 1, Unit 2 has an exercise room and computer lab underground.

Unit 3 is located at 2400 Durant Avenue. The original buildings are Ida Sproul, Norton, Priestly, and Spens-Black Halls. Beverly Cleary Hall, opened in the 1990s, is located across Channing Way and is part of the unit. The unit's main dining facility, Cafe 3, is located in the center of the original building complex.

Unit 4 consists of Stern Hall and Foothill Student Housing. Bowles Hall was also part of Unit 4 until May 2015. The unit is located on the eastern edge of campus along Gayley Road. Its main dining facility is located in Foothill.

Stern Hall, built in 1942, is the only all-female residence hall on campus. It is located adjacent to Foothill.

