Claire Nader (1928) is an American social scientist and a sister of Ralph, Laura, and Shafeek Nader.
She is a graduate of Smith College and holds a Ph.D. in political science, awarded by Columbia University, Department of Public Law and Government. Her dissertation was entitled "American Natural Scientists in the Policy Process: Three Atomic Energy Issues and Their Foreign Policy Implications".
In 1956, she became an instructor in the Department of Social Sciences at New York City Community College. Next she served as a Research Assistant for the Council for Atomic Age Studies from 1961 to 1963. During the 1960s she worked with Alvin Weinberg at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where she conducted civil defense research related to the potential societal aftereffects of a nuclear weapons attack. She was the first social scientist at ORNL, where she was director of Science in Society Studies in the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies from 1963–1966. After leaving ORNL she extended her interests and became known in community activist issues relating to corporate and government policies as they affect local communities.
She served as a chairman of the board of directors of the Council for Responsible Genetics from 1994–1996, is a trustee of Safety Systems, and was an editor for Sage Publications.
Currently Claire Nader is the President of the Shafeek Nader Trust for the Community Interest which seeks to advance the ability of citizens to participate and shape the quality of democracy in their community.