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Cities and towns during the Syrian civil war

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Location dot red.svg Government ; Dot green 0d0.svg Opposition including TFSA and Ahrar al-Sham ; Dot yellow ff4.svg Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), YPG, and FSA affiliates  ; Map-dot-grey-68a.svg Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) ; Location dot black.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
80x80-grey-black-anim.gif Contested ; Map-ctl2-grey+black.svg Stable mixed control ; LACMTA Circle Purple Line.svg Government & Opposition (truce)
Map-circle-black.svg Inner controls, outer sieges (or strong enemy pressure) ; Map-arcNE-black.svg Enemy pressure from one side; Small icon within a larger icon: The situation in individual neighbourhood/district

