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Cirrocumulus stratiformis

Cirrocumulus stratiformis
Layer of cirrocumulus stratiformis clouds
Abbreviation Cc str
Symbol CH 9.png
Genus Cirro- (curl of hair)
-cumulus (heaped)
Species Stratiformis (layered)
Altitude Above 6,000 m
(Above 20,000 ft)
Classification Family A (High-level)
Appearance horizontal layers
Precipitation cloud? No

Cirrocumulus stratiformis is a type of cirrocumulus cloud. The name cirrocumulus stratiformis is derived from Latin, meaning "stretched out". Cirrocumulus stratiformis occurs as very small cirrocumulus clouds that cover a large part of the sky. This type of cloud always occurs in thin layers. There can be spaces or rifts between the individual cloudlets in the layer.

