A circumferentor, or surveyor's compass, is an instrument used in surveying to measure horizontal angles. It was superseded by the theodolite in the early 19th century.
A circumferentor consists of a circular brass box containing a magnetic needle, which moves freely over a brass circle, or compass divided into 360 degrees. The needle is protected by a glass covering. A pair of sights is located on the North-South axis of the compass. Circumferentors were typically mounted on tripods and rotated on ball-and-socket joints.
Circumferentors were made throughout Europe, including in England, France, Italy, and Holland. By the early 19th century, Europeans preferred theodolites to circumferentors. However, the circumferentor remained in common use in mines and in wooded or uncleared areas, such as in America.
To measure an angle with a circumferentor, such as angle EKG (Figure 1), place the instrument at K, with the fleur-de-lis in the card towards you. Then direct the sights, until through them you see E; and note the degree pointed at by the south end of the needle, such as 296°. Then, turn the instrument around, with the fleur-de-lis still towards you, and direct the sights to G; note the degree at which the south end of the needle point, such as 182°. Finally, subtract the lesser number, 182, from the greater, 296°; the remainder, 114°, is the number of degrees in the angle EKG.
If the remainder is more than 180 degrees, it must be subtracted from 360 degrees.
To take the plot of a field, forest, park, etc., with a circumferentor, consider region ABCDEFGHK in Figure 2, an area to be surveyed.
Then move the instrument to C; turn the sights to measure D, and measure CD as before. In the same manner, proceed to D, E, F, G, H, and lastly to K; still noting the degrees of every bearing, or angle, and the distances of every side. This will result in a table of the following form:
From this table, the field is to be plotted, or protracted.
Alternative plotting method:
An alternative way to plot the area in Figure 2 is to use several angles and only a few measurements and calculate their positions.
This could be done by starting at the center point in Figure 2 which is not labeled, but which will be referred to as "Center." Assume each point can be seen from each other point. From the "center" point, sight and record the angle to each point using the sights as described above. Then move to, and measure the distance to, one of the other points referenced, such as point B. At point B, measure the angles to all the other points. Then, move to an additional point such as point F. Again, measure the distance from the center to the point chosen (F). At that point, measure and record the angles to each of the other points as was done at point B. Chose a scale (a ratio between the size of the area to be plotted and the size of the paper on which you will draw the plot) that will allow the plot to fit on your paper and plot the angles and distances.