The Circle of Poison (COP) refers to the export of domestically banned pesticides for use on foods elsewhere, some of which returns by way of import. The "circle" is complete when the toxic chemicals that were exported are then used to grow fruit, meat, and produce that are imported and available for domestic consumption. This circle was first identified relative to the United States but the relationship also exists between other nations of the Global North and South.
In the book, Circle of Poison: Pesticides and People in a Hungry World, David Weir (journalist) and Mark Schapiro of the Oakland-based Center for Investigative Reporting present an investigative study of how certain dangerous chemicals, which are banned in the U.S., still enter back into the United States and the American diet through food imports. Many restricted chemicals, especially pesticides, are produced in the U.S. and exported to the global south. The banned chemicals are then used on 'cash crops', which are subsequently exported to the U.S. and other industrialized countries for high profit.
The investigative study done by Wier and Schapiro showed that the highly potent and dangerous chemicals used in domestic agriculture led to a public clamor for strict regulations, and that pesticides contribute to the expansion of an export-oriented agriculture at the expense of food production for local needs. Even where they are applied to food crops, pesticide are often linked to the Green Revolution, which can mean more hunger even while it raises production. Pesticides, they aregue, are no solution to hunger-they bypass the needs of the poor who 'have neither money to buy food nor the land to grow it on'. Moreover, they claim because agrochemical companies are profit driven, they have tailored the regulations to permit unrestricted export of dangerous chemicals. Wier and Schapiro argue that this loophole has been a disaster.
In April 1991, the "Circle of Poison prevention Act" was introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) in the U.S. Senate and by Representatives Mike Synar (D-OK) and Leon Panetta (D-CA) in the House. This bill would have placed strict controls on exports of hazardous chemicals. Similar legislation passed both houses of Congress but died in conference committee.