Christopher Dock Mennonite High School, also known as Christopher Dock High School, and newly renamed "Dock Mennonite Academy," is a private high school in Towamencin Township, Pennsylvania that is affiliated with the Franconia Mennonite Conference of the Mennonite Church USA. The school was named after schoolmaster Christopher Dock of Skippack, Pennsylvania. Per year, Christopher Dock averages around 400 students, grades 9-12 from 20 different school districts, and 36 faculty members giving it a ratio of under 13 to 1.
"Christopher Dock Mennonite High School, in partnership with the family and the church, seeks to develop the God-given abilities of students in preparation for Christopher Dock Mennonite High School, in partnership with the family and the church, seeks to develop the God-given abilities of students in a global society. Christopher Dock serves youth and families of Franconia Mennonite Conference, Eastern District Conference and those who share Anabaptist values."
As schools providing an Anabaptist/Mennonite education, Penn View Christian School, Quakertown Christian School, and Christopher Dock Mennonite High School recognize that their graduates are in transition. The education process seeks to honor and develop the uniqueness of each student and his/her role within the community where gifts, talents, and learning are applied. To this end, a graduate of this educational system is a person who:
- values and demonstrates lifelong learning including skills of problem solving, problem posing, critical thinking, and cooperation.
- exhibits competency in the basic skills and knowledge of the academic disciplines.
- communicates effectively through speaking and writing.
- uses, recognizes, and appreciates creativity and artistic expression.
- incorporates available technology appropriately.
- embraces a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- exhibits a growing life of discipleship.
- practices spiritual disciplines.
- discovers, defines, and develops her/his God-given gifts.
- cultivates a Christian worldview informed by Anabaptist/Mennonite theology and tradition.
- articulates his/her beliefs, values, and convictions clearly.
- accepts the scriptures as the Word of God and as the fully reliable and trustworthy standard for Christian faith and life.