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Christian sorority

Sorority Year founded Active chapters & colonies
ΚΦ - Kappa Phi 1916 25 active in OH, OK, WV, NE, PA, MI, IL, FL, TX
ΑΔΧ - Alpha Delta Chi 1925 14 active in CA, GA, KY, IL, CO, OH, AL
ΑΣΔ - Alpha Sigma Delta 1990 2 active in MI, AL
ΦΒΧ - Phi Beta Chi 1978 11 active in IN, TX, IA, NC, AZ, MN, PA
EA - Elogeme Adolphi 1987 18 chapters in IL, FL, IN, GA, LA, 4 Alumni
ΣA - Sigma Alpha Christian Sorority 1988 2 chapters in TX
ΣΦΛ - Sigma Phi Lambda 1988 31 in TX, OK, FL, AR, MO, MS, TN, VA, LA, AL
ANΩ - Alpha Nu Omega 1988 17 Undergraduate, 7 Alumni, in MD, DE, PA, DC, NJ, NY, OH, NC, FL, TN, IN, TX,
AΛΩ - Alpha Lambda Omega 1990 14 chapters in TX, OK, PA, MI
ΨΔX - Psi Delta Chi 1994 2 chapters in TN, WI
HIΣ - Eta Iota Sigma 1992 2 chapters in TX
ΣΑΩ - Sigma Alpha Omega 1998 33 in DE, FL, GA, KY, MI, MD, NC, NM, NY, OK, SC, TN, VA, WI
ΔΨΕ - Delta Psi Epsilon 1999 22 in AL, FL, GA, IN, IL, LA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TX, VA
ZΦZ - Zeta Phi Zeta (Zeta Alpha Omicron) 2001 17 in IL, FL, AR, TX, IA, AL, OH
ΣΦΧ - Sigma Phi Chi 2001 1 in TX
ΠΙΧ - Pi Iota Chi 2001 3 in MI, GA
AΘΩ - Alpha Theta Omega 2002 17 in TN, MO, GA, AL,VA,TX, KS
ΛΟΧ - Lambda Omicron Chi 2002 4 in VA, CA, GA, D.C.
ΓΑΛ - Gamma Alpha Lambda 2003 1 in MO
ΖΙΧ - Zeta Iota Chi 2003 1 in MO
HΓZ - Eta Gamma Zeta 2004 1 in IL
ΛΟΓ - Lambda Omicron Gamma 2005 1 in IL
- Alpha Omega 2005 7 in TX, VA
ΘΑ - Theta Alpha 2006 3 chapters, 1 colony in FL
ΔAX - Delta Alpha Chi 2006 1 in FL
ίχκ - Iota Chi Kappa 2007 8 in AL, GA, MA, MD, MS, NH, NY, R.I., SC, VA
AΨΓ - Alpha Psi Gamma 2007 1 in NC
ΘΧΓ - Theta Chi Gamma 2008 1 Chapter in AZ, 1 Chapter in TN, 1 Colony in GA, 1 Colony in NY
ΔΛΓ - Delta Lambda Gamma 2008 1 Chapter in MI
ΔΦΨ - Delta Phi Psi 2008 1 Chapter, 1 Colony in NY, NJ, VA
ΘΣΛ - Theta Sigma Lambda 2008 6- Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, St. Louis
ΔAΩ - Delta Alpha Omega 2009 8 in MO, IL, MI, LA, TX, CA, OH, IN
ΘΦΣ - Theta Phi Sigma 2009 International
ΣΩΜ - Sigma Omega Mu 2010 2 in MO, 1 Nationwide chapter
TPO - Tau Rho Omicron 2011 2 in FL, TN
ΖΝΔ - Zeta Nu Delta 2013 International Chapter, International Graduate Chapter, 1 in North Carolina, 1 in Alabama,

While the traditional women's fraternity or sorority was founded well before the start of the 20th century, the first ever Christian sorority was founded at UCLA in 1925 by ten women and named Alpha Delta Chi.

Traditionally, the Christian sorority has followed the Christian fraternity in founding except in the case of Alpha Delta Chi. The sorority was founded in 1925 and Alpha Gamma Omega was founded in 1927, two years later also at UCLA.

These Christian Greek Organizations enjoyed local success in their early years but they did not experience the national growth seen by more traditional Greek organizations.

A more novel situation occurred in 1987 when Chi Alpha Omega was founded as a co-educational Christian Greek Organization. It wasn't until 1998 that Sigma Alpha Omega broke off as a women's only ministry. Sigma Alpha Omega now has a national president, a national board of trustees, and has grown to include 33 chapters throughout the country.

In 1988, the founding of Sigma Phi Lambda on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin sparked new growth for the Christian sorority. "Phi Lamb" was founded by women who saw brotherhood in Beta Upsilon Chi and wished to create a female counterpart, since BYX was a male-only organization. Sigma Phi Lambda today has an executive director, national board of directors, and regional directors, and is the largest Christian social sorority in the nation with thirty-one chapters.(Kappa Phi club is at twenty-four campuses; however, Kappa Phi club is not a social sorority).

There has been a surge in the multicultural community of Christian sororities as well, with the beginning of sororities such as Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. (1990), Delta Psi Epsilon Christian Sorority, Inc. (1999), Psi Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. (1994), Pi Iota Chi Christian Multicultural Sorority, Inc. (2001), Alpha Theta Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. (2002), Zeta Iota Chi Christian Sorority, Inc (2003), Theta Sigma Lambda Christian Sorority, Inc. (2008), Delta Phi Psi Christian Sorority, Inc.(2008) is a member of Association of Fraternal Christian Organizations and Ministries and Tau Rho Omicron Christian Sorority, Inc. is a Christian Sorority for Business and Professional Women (2011).

In 1999, Delta Psi Epsilon Christian Sorority, Inc. was founded to give Christian women an opportunity to experience Greek life without having to compromise their values. The sorority was founded by Founders Carla Griffith, Vila-Sheree Watson and Nicole Parham Gardner. The sorority purpose is to spread the love of Christ and evangelize the world for His purpose. The premier organization for Christian women, Delta Psi Epsilon is also a charter member of the United Council of Christian Fraternities and Sororities, Inc. Also known as Women of Deliverance, Power and Enlightenment, Delta Psi Epsilon is founded on the tenets of faith, wisdom, honor and sisterhood.

