The Christian Social Party (in Dutch: Christelijk-Sociale Partij, CSP) was a Dutch Christian socialist political party. The CSP played only a minor role in Dutch politics and is historically linked to the Labour Party.
The CSP was founded in 1907 by former members of the conservative reformed Christian Historical Union. In the 1918 elections, the first election with a system of proportional representation and male universal suffrage the restriction to get into the Tweede Kamer were relatively low, one needed more than half of a percentage of the vote to be elected. Consequently, the CSP was elected with only 8000 votes (that is .6% of vote). The CSP MP Van der Laar played only a minor role in Dutch politics. In the 1922 elections the restrictions to enter parliament where raised. The CSP was unable to maintain its seat. In the 1925 elections the party campaigned as the Protestant People's Party (Dutch: Protestantse Volkspartij, PVP). In 1926 the CSP founded the Christian Democratic Union with former members of the Christian Democratic Party and the League of Christian Socialists.
CSP was both a social-democratic and a conservative Christian party. CSP was a reformist party and rejected class conflict. The party was anti-papist and rejected the cooperation between the Protestant Christian Historical Union and the Catholic General League.